
I swear I didn’t mean to leer this morning. Honestly. But you see, first those (lean, toned, absolutely smoking hot) bikers in their tight lycra suits zoomed right past me (trudging away on my bike half-awake), then they proceeded to ride STANDING UP, with their butts STICKING OUT, up the hill for a good 15 minutes. And I’m sorry I’m a little vertically challenged, but that’s right at my eye level, you know. What do you expect me to do? Huh? I can hardly close my eyes and bump right into a parked car, can I?

So well, I carried on doing what I was doing (you KNOW what that was!), and luck must have been on my side, because I discovered this fact: those padded bike pants? They sort of look not unlike INBUILT NAPPIES!

And then I wondered if the bikers themselves also think those pants look funny, but the comfort factor overrides everything else. Or are they deliberately showing off in a “if you have it, flaunt it” kind of way?

The butts still look great, regardless. What a way to start a morning! Hah.

~happy weekend, peeps!~

PS: A little visual aid for those having a hard time picturing that sight. Just the um, offending item though, for the rest, you’ll have to work your own imagination, can’t help you on that. Heh heh.
